Grain Silo Features and Maintenance Work

According to the size, the grain silos can be generally divided into: 1. Small-type silo (5-20 tons), mainly used for batching bin, feed silo , etc.; 2. Medium-sized silo (20-500 tons), mainly used for transfer silos, oil processing plants , etc.; 3. Large-type silo (500-1500 tons), used to store seeds, grains, flour, etc. according to users’ need; Grain silo features: 1. Simple assembly and short construction period; 2. Light weight, low basic requirements and low cost; 3. According to the user's choice, functions such as temperature measurement, ventilation, and ventilation can be realized; 4. Convenient to realize mechanization and modern management; 5. Simple demolition, convenient maintenance and reliable use; 6. Long service life, generally up to 25 years to 35 years. 7. The cone-type grain silo has a large inclination angle, generally between 35° and 60°, and the grain can be drained...