What is the Reason for the Scorch Phenomenon of the Corn Dried by the Corn Drying Tower?

What is the Reason for the Scorch Phenomenon of the Corn Dried by the Corn Drying Tower? Now many friends who grow corn have a special liking for the corn drying tower. They don't have to worry about drying corn any more because they have a corn drying tower. Drying corn is a kind of labor. The work is very intensive, and it must be coordinated with the weather. If the weather is not beautiful, continuous rainy days will affect the drying process of corn, and in severe cases, it will cause the corn to become moldy, and deteriorate and reduce its economic value. The ultimate goal of drying corn is to reduce moisture, which can be achieved by a corn drying tower . The efficiency of using it to reduce the moisture of corn is much higher than that of the traditional method of drying corn. Although the efficiency of drying corn is very low, it will not cause the corn to be scorched. This may happen if the corn is dried by the corn drying tower. What is the reason for the scorche...