
目前显示的是 十二月, 2023的博文

How to Ensure Safe Storage of Grain in Grain Silo?

  1.Ensure the Quality of Grain Before Feeding into the Grain Silo Good-quality grain is the basis for safe grain storage, which is particularly important for grain storage in newly built grain silo. Due to the large amount of grain stored in the newly built silo, the thick grain layer, and the mechanical feeding of grain, the automatic grading phenomenon will be more obvious. If the quality of the grain is not controlled, it will bring endless hidden dangers to the grain storage. For example, the unstable grain conditions encountered in the daily grain storage process, grain heating, insect infestation, partial ventilation, incomplete insecticide, heat and mildew, etc. are all related to poor grain quality, and many of them are due to the high moisture content of the grain or caused by many impurities and severe grading. 2.Check the Grain Silo Before Grain is Put into Silo The inspection of the grain silo includes: pre-feeding or daily inspection of the  grain silo . Items to check in

Aluminium Silo for Chemical Raw Materials in Petrochemical Industry

Why Choose Aluminum to Build Storage Silos? Silos can be made from a variety of materials, common ones include concrete, coated steel, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. For the storage of chemical raw materials in the petrochemical industry, aluminum is an ideal material for manufacturing silos. It is strong, lightweight, self-supporting, easy to weld, and its strong oxide layer ensures it will not contaminate stored materials and requires no additional surface preparation or maintenance issues. SRON Aluminum Silo Introduction Aluminum silos are commonly used in the plastics, food and chemical industries to store lightweight bulk materials. Aluminum silos are weatherproof and have a virtually unlimited lifespan, making them the best choice for storing large quantities of raw materials. The capacity of SRON's aluminum silos ranges from several tons to hundreds of tons, and its diameter, height, and shape can be customized according to size. As a supplier of aluminum silos, we can prov